This site is an archive of our work. It is not a sales site.
Liz & Rod have now retired from active practice. This site is a unique history of work produced by two design & advertising professionals over a span of 55 plus years, working in 3 countries. NOTE: THE (OLD, SLOW )-: NAVIGATION IS DESIGNED TO WORK BEST IN WEB BROWSERS. (Not iPhones etc.)
This site has many examples (with brief info) of our work in design, marketing communications, & advertising.
It is not necessarily chronological as we change the order within sections fairly often when explaining stuff to people who have questions. Liz & Rod each originally worked for 2 of the largest agencies in the world, as well as leading smaller agencies. After that, for over 50 years, with never more than 8 employees, Nash+Nash Ltd was essentially always a family business. (So we have added recent family projects including websites produced by our teenage Granddaughter :)
Click on WHAT in the menu at left for brief stories and images from some of our work.
Pictured above: Teya Knightingale (our Granddaughter) Liz & Rod.
Copyright 2025 Nash+Nash All rights reserved See also: https://www.rgd.ca